Constitution and By-Laws
 Association of Equine Practitioners (KAEP)


This association shall be for the cultivation of fraternal feeling among veterinarians; the maintenance of veterinary science on an equal basis with other scientific branches of medicine and surgery; the mutual improvement of its’ members by the presentation of scientific subjects or records or interest to the veterinarian, and for the devising of ways and means of extending its united aid in upholding the municipal, state, and federal laws, protecting the qualified practitioner of veterinary medicine in the pursuit of his or her profession, and in general.


Article I. Membership and Dues

Section 1.         Membership shall be open to all graduate veterinarians, in good standing, interested in Equine Practice.

Distinguished Life Membership may be presented to KAEP members who have made a significant and long lasting contribution to the KAEP or to the benefit of the horse, equine industry, and the profession of veterinary medicine.

Associate membership will be extended to others interested in equine medicine such as staff members of the Department of Veterinary Science and the Diagnostic Laboratories. Associate members will be non-voting members.

 Section 2.       Annual dues will be established by a vote of the Executive Board and Board of Directors and payable the first of each year.


Article II. Meetings


Section 1.         There will be four meetings a year.

Section 2.         Special meetings may be called by the President or upon demand of one-half of the active members.

Section 3.         Roberts Rule of Order shall be the guide for parliamentary practice in the meetings of the association.

Section 4.         Order of Business

[list style=”bullet”][li]Roll Call[/li] [li]Minutes of Previous Meeting[/li] [li]Remarks by President[/li] [li]Report of Treasurer[/li] [li]Report of Committees[/li] [li]Unfinished Business[/li][li]New Business[/li] [li]Regular Business[/li] [li]Election of Officers (January Meeting)[/li] [li]New Officers assume duties (same meeting)[/li] [li]Appointment of Committees[/li] [li]Adjournment[/li][/list]


Article III Officers

Section 1.        Officers will consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and the Representative to the Executive Board of the Kentucky Veterinary Medical Association (KVMA).

Section 2.         Nomination and election of the President, Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer will be conducted at the first meeting of the year. Term of office will run for one year.

Section 3.         The association’s representative to the Executive Board of KVMA and an alternative representative will be elected in accordance with the Regulations and By-Laws of the KVMA, Inc.

Article IV. Committees


Section 1.         The President shall appoint a “Program and Arrangements Committee,” and any other committees he or she deems necessary.

Article V.  Amendments


Section 1.         This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority affirmative vote of the active members present at a regular meeting.



Revised and adopted by vote of the membership on 2/21/02 .